Book genres for Young Adult Readers

A book is a literary medium for recording data in the form of text or pictures, usually written or printed on multiple pages and covered with a protective cover. The physical arrangement of the written material is called a codex. This may be single-page, double-page, tri-fold, or gatefold, each of which has a fixed number of pages. Some books (called bound editions) have several hundred pages while others (called single folding editions) may have as few as thirty-two pages. A book may contain text or illustrations; may include poems, stories, or just text; may have charts, diagrams, or maps; or may be divided into segments called appendices. Generally, a book may be divided into a “hard” and a “soft” edition, the former being the regular text edition and the latter the translated or illustrated version.

Self-help books include various forms of nonfiction, including cookery books, parenting books, and romance novels. Some self-help books are geared towards adults and contain recipes, suggestions for improving interpersonal relationships, suggestions for improving job performance, and tips for saving money. Most fiction books are aimed at children, though some do include recipes and tips for educating young children.

Crime thrillers fall into the category of literary fiction. These are books that involve a murder, a trial, and the aftermath. The killer may be a professional thief or someone who uses their own strength to commit a crime. Most detective novels fall into this genre, while the suspenseful element of a mystery thriller is present in many mystery and suspense novels aimed at young adult readers.

Fantasy fiction books are categorized into those based on an alternate world and those based on a common world. Historical nonfiction books are usually set in a time other than our own and deal with historical events. Historical fiction includes novels such as histories and biographies, as well as works of fiction about famous people from history. Some popular historical nonfiction texts include How Did The World End Up? by Charles Dickens, A Time To Kill, by John Grisham, and Heart Of Darkness, by Roald Dahl.

There are also several movie-related fiction books available in the market today. Some of these book genres are action, adventure, romance, science fiction, horror, and war fiction. These book genres were previously published as graphic novels, but they have been transformed into written forms due to technological improvements. Reading fiction books does not only make you comfortable with the written word but also makes you imaginative. As a matter of fact, fiction books make good companions for avid readers.

There are also some television shows that cater to different book genres. For example, television shows focused on cooking, gardening, and sports are ideal books for young adult readers. These showrunners cater to the interests of young adult book lovers because the plots of their shows follow a formula. As a result, many young adult readers find it easy to connect with the stories of their favorite TV show protagonists. Young adult readers who love science fiction novels can buy novels about space flight, aliens, or time travel to read about their favorite fictional characters.
