Kids shoes: Orthopaedic Kids Shoes

Orthopaedic kids shoes are specially crafted to support the foot, ankle and leg of children. They allow them to walk straighter while gradually improving posture over time – as well as helping solve common problems such as pigeon toe, flat feet and ankle pronation.

These orthopaedic kids shoes combine functionality and fashion – even being suitable to be worn with dresses! Available in an array of colours to match any child’s taste.


Orthopaedic shoes are an invaluable investment for children as they help prevent foot deformities and back and knee issues and aid proper walking, running and playing practices; they are comfortable to wear and are available in various styles and sizes to grow into them as soon as they begin walking. Orthopaedic shoes also come equipped with soft interior padding to alleviate pressure off their feet.

The ideal orthopaedic shoes for kids should be constructed from natural, breathable materials that support healthy foot conditions. They should not limit toe or foot movement nor bind the feet in any way; additionally, arch supports should be avoided as this could hinder child foot strength development. This lightweight and comfortable footwear is designed to simulate barefoot conditions, thus making it suitable for use by those living with various medical conditions.

Many paediatricians, physical therapists and occupational therapists advise their patients to wear supportive shoes. These specially-made shoes can help children suffering from flat feet, overpronation, toe walking or being overweight or obese to wear shoes with supportive features that allow their orthotics to sit comfortably inside and not be pushed off to one side during wear. Some designs even feature wide toe boxes and extra depth so the orthotic can sit securely inside its home in the shoe without being pushed to either side when walking around in it.


If your child requires orthotics for medical conditions, it’s essential that their shoes can accommodate them comfortably. There are fashionable orthopaedic kids shoes designed with wide toe boxes and extra depth in order to accommodate an orthotic. Furthermore, many offer different width options so that you can find one best suited to their feet.

There is a wide range of orthopaedic shoes designed specifically to support the mechanics and structures of feet, ankles and legs. Not only are these stylish footwear options fashionable, but they also help correct alignment issues to improve posture and walking, as well as offer support against overpronation or toe walking in children. They are great solutions for situations such as flat feet or overpronation resulting in toe walking conditions such as flat feet.

Shoes available include those that lace all the way into the toe box and those with Velcro closure. Laced shoes tend to make it easier to wear an AFO brace; however, be mindful that laced ones may require some additional length. If your child’s shoes are too tight, you could ask a shoe repair shop to stretch them for you.


Orthopaedic children shoes are specially crafted to support the mechanics and structure of both feet and ankles, helping prevent medical conditions that affect them from manifesting themselves on feet or lower leg disorders. Furthermore, orthopaedic kids shoes provide comfort during play – ideal for active kids who love outdoor games while needing the footwear that cushions each step – plus help protect from falling out! They’re perfect for kids born with medical conditions affecting feet or lower legs that need supporting footwear like these! For optimal performance when selecting orthopaedic kids shoes.

To ensure the optimal functioning of your child’s feet, choose shoes made of breathable materials that mimic barefoot conditions as closely as possible. Arch support shoes may inhibit natural foot movement. Comfort is key here, too and easy cleaning should also be considered an asset.

The most suitable orthopaedic shoes for kids possess a deep interior volume to accommodate thick orthotics. This feature will enable your child to walk and run more comfortably, as well as improve posture and gait with continuous use. These shoes are also an ideal solution for children suffering from flat feet, overpronation, toe walking or low muscle tone issues.
